There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all policy when it comes to interior and exterior renovation; as a real estate-exclusive boutique, we have the experience to know better.
At Fenimore Insurance we consider a wide array of factors — from the age and condition of a property to the relative risks involved in your project — that tend to cause insurance costs to skyrocket. We work with you closely to determine a customized policy that is legally viable, affordable, and unique to the many renovation concerns we’ve witnessed firsthand. No matter your construction project, you can trust the experts at Fenimore Insurance; when it comes to builders’ risk we’ve seen it all.
Protect your future The Fenimore Way.
A homeowner’s renovation dream can turn into an absolute nightmare in the blink of an eye. Say an electrician installs faulty wiring that starts a sudden fire in the walls — the consequence might be more than just a million-dollar claim payout. Even if the renovation is ultimately completed, a family may be displaced for months. Added coverage from a qualified provider like Fenimore Insurance can safeguard you against totally common risks.
Construction workers are known to experience the most frequent — and gruesome — injuries of all professions. But doesn’t their medical coverage fall on the contractor? Not entirely; as the owner of a building undergoing renovation, you still need a comprehensive policy to protect against litigation. When a scaffold fell in a well-publicized New York City accident several years ago, the property owner was named in an astronomical lawsuit involving an injured worker. With the right coverage, you can rest easy throughout any remodel and avoid becoming a cautionary tale.
These are just a few of the many optional features we can custom-tailor for your policy.
Contact Fenimore Insurance today for more information about insuring your renovation or remodeling project.
Connect with our insurance specialists today.